Nokia Communicator, 1996

Object Description
Nokia kehittyi 1990-luvulta alkaen monikansalliseksi matkapuhelimien maailman markkinajohtajaksi. Nokian menestys perustui suurelta osin tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön, jota tehtiin tutkimuskeskuksissa ja yliopistoissa eri puolilla Eurooppaa ja maailmaa. Nokia 9000 Communicator eli kommunikaattori oli yksi ensimmäisistä älypuhelimista. Se julkaistiin 1996.
Description (English)
The Nokia Communicator was one of the first smart mobile phones in the mid 1990´s. The Finnish company Nokia went through a major transformation during the 1990s. It developed from the national multi- branch company into a globally owned and global market leader in mobile phones. The greatest part of its success depends on the research and development work done in various research centers and at universities in Europe and later on also around the world. Tampere University of Technology was one of the most important research partners for Nokia during the 1990s. On the basis of PhD projects in the area of signal processing and computing sciences a completely new kind of mobile phone was being developed. This phone, the Communicator, was first presented in 1996.
Operating system: GEOS (running on top of ROM-DOS) on the PDA side
Main applications: Fax, short messages, email, Wireless imaging: digital camera connectivity, Smart messaging, TextWeb, Web terminal, Contacts, Notes, Calendar, Calculator; world time clock, Composer.
Size: 158×56×27 mm
Weight: 253 g
Processor: Embedded AMD Elan SC450 486 processor at 33 MHz
Memory: 8 MB total, 4 MB Operating System and applications, 2 MB program execution, 2 MB user data storage, MMC card.
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