Relief of the St. Gotthard Massif

Object Description
Model van papier-maché en textiel in lage bak onder glas, te plaatsen op een los vierpotig onderstel. Het reliëf meet ca. 10 x 60 x 45 cm.
Op een gedrukt etiket daarnaast staat 'Vu les contrefaçons qui existent, tant à Paris qu'àa Londres, tous les Bas-Reliefs portent la présente marque [n.l. L. Gaudin], possédant seul les dessins originaux, executés par moi sur les lieux que les contrefacteurs ne connaissent pas, n'y ayant jamais été, et trompent par là Messieurs les Amatuers.'
De Zwitser Léonard Gaudin (1762-?) was emailschilder en hield zich bezig met de topografie van zijn land. Naast de drie modellen in onze collectie, is er in het Musée de l'Histoire des Sciences in Genève een groot uit acht stukken bestaand model van heel Zwitserland; één ontbrekend deel ervan was in bezit van Museum Boerhaave en is in 1963 ter completering naar Genève overgebracht.'.
Description (English)
Model, papier-maché and cloth in a low case under glass, meant to be placed on four-legged base. The relief model measures ca. 10x60x45cm
On a printed label next to it stands (in French) 'Given the counterfeits that exist, both in Paris and London, all Bas-Reliefs bear this mark [L. Gaudin], with only the original drawings, executed by me on the spot that counterfeiters do not know, and have never been, and thereby deceive the Gentlemen Amateurs'
The Swiss Léonard Gaudin (1762-?) was an enamel painter who was occupied with the topography of his country. Besides the three models in the Museum Boerhaave, the Musée de l'Histoire des Sciences in Geneva has a large model of all of Switzerland; one missing piece of this was held by the Museum Boerhaave and was transferred to Generva in 1963 to complete it.
On this page we provide metadata using the Dublin Core metadata format. The metadata is derived in most cases from metadata found in the source collection; in some cases we have added additional information where it was not available.