Computer industry in the People's Republic
During the 1970s and 1980s a number of Hungarian companies took an active part in manufacturing computer accessories.
In the 1970s the most typical feature of the Hungarian industry was the system of state-owned companies, while in the 1980s new economical formations began to emerge as forerunners of capitalism. The country was opened to international financial and economic cooperation.
Although Hungary seemed to go its own way, its Western diplomatic and economic connections were most welcome to the Soviet Union. This was especially the case in the sphere of computer technology, where Hungarian intercession allowed the Soviet Union to circumvent the prohibition of the capitalist world – and thus seize modern technology.
The bureaucratic approach of companies from state socialist countries was typical for the manufacturers of the era. Bureaucracy created great difficulties for them in keeping the pace in this fast-developing branch of industry.
In spite of this, a number of companies developed and manufactured marketable products for years.

How to cite this page
Gábor Képes, 'Computer industry in the People's Republic', Inventing Europe,
- Magyar Optikai Művek. Accessed July 1, 2012.
- Raffai, Mária. A hazai számítástechnika története, 33-38. Alexander Alapítvány, 2005.