Assortment of samples from the Keuringsdienst van Waren (product certification service)

Object Description
In de beginperiode van de Keuringsdienst van Waren werden onregelmatigheden van voedingsmiddelen bewaard. Ook producten met de juiste samenstelling zijn in potjes opgeslagen. Zo hadden de medewerkers van de keuringsdienst vergelijkingsmateriaal bij nieuwe controles.
Description (English)
In the early period of the Keuringsdienst van Waren, samples of irregularities of food were kept. They also kept samples with proper compositions, so that employees of the service would have some thing to compare with new products.
On this page we provide metadata using the Dublin Core metadata format. The metadata is derived in most cases from metadata found in the source collection; in some cases we have added additional information where it was not available.