KEMA appliance demonstration

Object Description
In this photo from the first half of the the 1930s we see a group of (well off) women receiving instructions on using appliances in the home: electric stoves, washing machines, boilers, etc. The location is the KEMA (Keuring van Elektrische Materialien te Arnhem: Certification of Electrical Materials in Arnhem). The educational branch of KEMA gave demonstations of appliances. Such demonstrations were often organized by the VEV (Vrouwen ElektriciteitsVoorziening: women's electrical suppliers). The VEV consisted of the wives of managers of electricity suppliers. They primary goal was to stimulate use of electrical appliances to increase electricity consumption. A number of objects used as demonstration models by the KEMA are now in the collection of NEMO, including
the D.E.B. refrigerator (03665), the Protos washing machine 03295 and the Protos centrifuge (11747)
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