Anne-Mirthe Dieudonné
Anne-Mirthe is communications officer for the Foundation for the History of Technology and web-editor for Inventing Europe, European Digital Museum for Science & Technology. Anne-Mirthe studied history at University of Groningen, and finished her MA History of political culture in 2012. She wrote her thesis on the relationship between the EU and the Dutch citizen. In the same year she completed her MA European Studies at the University of Amsterdam, with her thesis about the liberal party in the European Union. During her studies Anne-Mirthe volunteered for the Open State Foundation, where she worked with a small team on building a new Dutch website ‘NuPubliek’, which aimed to help citizens to participate in politics. She also did an internship at the European Liberal Forum, a Brussels based think tank affiliated with the European liberal party. After her studies, Anne-Mirthe worked half a year for Amsterdam Museum at the e-culture department. She also functioned as web-editor for the RE:DDS project, affiliated to Amsterdam Museum. Anne-Mirthe’s main interests include Europe, public history, social media and politics.
Tours by this Curator

Myth of
the national engineer
European governments liked to portray engineers as national heroes – but were they?